Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

bigbang bio

ini bio bigbang
                                                G-Dragon (G-드래곤)

Postion: Leader / Main RapperReal
Name: Kwon Ji Yong (권지용)
Date of Birth: August,18,1988

Height: 177 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: A

Education: Seoul Korean Traditional Arts Middle & High School
Skills: Rapping, Dancing, Beat Boxing, Composing, Singing, and Languages (Chinese, English)Debut: DaeHanMinGook Hip Hop Flex (2001)

Hobbies: Drawing pictures and listening to music

Likes: Fashion, Acting, Cooking, Crispy Donuts, Dogs, Cars, The Drawing ‘Is it like stars or skeleton‘, books (poems, mangas, and magazines), watching cartoons, and himself

Religion: Christian

Family Members: Parents and Older Sis [Dami]

Personality: He is pretty bright…When he is quiet, he is extremely quiet. He lightens the mood a lot. He leads the group. His senses are fast, has high self-esteem and likes to be outstanding.

Pendent: A bball cap (GD’s favorite style of cap) on top of a star meaning “to become a big star in the music industry.”


Position: Rapper / Beat BoxerReal
Name: Choi Seung Hyun (최승현)
Stage Names: Tempo, T.O.P

Date of Birth: November 4,1987
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Blood Type: B
Education: Seoul Art College (Majoring in Musical), Dangook University in Theater & Film ( starting 2008 )
Skills: Rapping, Beat Boxing, Lyrics Making

Hobbies: Reading and Swimming
Likes: Theatrical Performances, Musicals, and Fashion Designing
Family Members: Parents & Older Sis
Personality: He speaks well and is extremely stubborn. He likes to be the leader of things and speaks his mind. Shy and he thinks he’s cute.
Musician He Admires: Usher, Omarion, Jay-Z, B2K
Pendent: A hand holding a megaphone with a Superman style diamond behind it meaning “to inspire people with his voice and become big”
                                                     Seung Ri (승리)
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Lee Seung Hyun (이승현)
Stage Name : Seung Ri (승리); V.I
Date of Birth: December 12, 1990
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Bloodtype: A
Skills: Singing, Dancing
Likes: Foreign Languages
Family: Parents and younger sibling
Personality: very strong for the youngest member in the group. He is pretty mature because blood type is A. He is shy and keeps lots of things to himself.
Musician He Admires: Justin Timberlake, Omarion
Determination: fighting!I cannot return home
Pendent: A planet surrounded by rings. Looks kind of like Saturn. “A new style of music set on the music industry”
Tae Yang (태양)
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Dong Yong Bae (동영배)
Stage Names: Tae Yang, YB Tae Kwon, YBTK
Date of Birth: May 18, 1988
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 56 kg(? I think something goes wrong =='')
Blood Type: AB
Education: Daejin University in Theater & Film ( starting in 2008 )
Skills: Rapping, Dancing,Beatboxing, Singing, Languages (English, Japanese)
Debut: YG Family’s Second Album in 2002
Hobbies: Basketball, Music, Watching TV
Likes: Church, Summer, Clothers, Game, Manhwa
Religion: Christian
Family Members: Parents and Older brother (Dong Hyeon-Bae 동현배)
Personality: Does his best in everything. Over achiever. Doesn’t like to fight. He talks about his problem with his opponent. He listens to you well and thinks about what he is going to say before
he says anything.
Musicians he admires: Usher, Omarion, Justin Timberlake
Pendant: A sun (taeyang is korean for ’sun’) which has a crown on top and “YB” in the middle meaning “to become the best in music industry
Bagi VIP lihat ea....

ini teman2 sekelas ku...
1. afifah : ??? [kakak DG, penakut kepala lele, kutu buku]
2. aina : ??? [sone, penyalamat donat, suka dada2 n geleng2]
3. alfin : apin [pura2 pcr nya babas, comate]
4. galih : DUL, serikity [kakak osis, temen dket x mahyo]
5. anggun : enjun [kakak osis, k-popers, elf, sone, VIP, pecinta siwon, penakut kucing, bermotto makasih]
6. farah : babar, maman [blackjack, comate, pemurung, kurang senyum]
7. cahya : cahyo [plin-plan, ketua kelas]
8. dandung : dung2 [aneh]
9. deasya : micin, rahang bauk [comate, B2uty(fans beast)]
10. dinda : SS, Sekseh, herdan [hoby teriak2, suara klo bicara cempreng, klo nyanyi lumayan lah]
11. elma : Padi, emak [cerdas, klo tertawa wjh x aneh]
12. nando : nanda, nendo [aneh, pemarah]
13. gabrielle : Gagap [poni lucu, aneh]
ini dulu

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012


 Nesaba 7a adalah kelasku. nyaman rasanya dengan teman teman ku yang begitu ramah dan baik di kelas ku. di sini ada 28 murid, aku senang disitu....